Book Events in Scottish Libraries, September-October 2015
Author Eileen Kay reads from her book Noodle Trails and talks about Thailand, Fair Trade, elephant dung, and the longing for snake-free travel
Q&A, chitchat and cups of tea. Book sales and signing
Courtesy of Dumfries and Galloway Libraries
Langholm Library Mon 28 Sept, 5.30 – 6.30
Market Place, Langholm, DG13 0JQ Tel 013873-81142
Stranraer Library Wed 30 Sept, 2.00 – 3.00
North Strand Street, Stranraer, DG3 7LD. Tel 01776-400
Annan Library Thurs 1 Oct, 5.30 – 6.30
Charles Street, Annan, DG12 5AG. Tel 01461-202809
Lockerbie Library Fri 2 Oct, 6.00 – 7.00
31-33 High Street, Lockerbie, DG11 2JL. Tel 01576-203380
Lochmaben Library Mon 5 Oct, 6.00 – 7.00
Town Hall, High Street. Lochmaben, DG11 1NQ. Tel 01387-811865
One World Shop, Carlisle Tuesday 6 October
7pm – a light Thai buffet will be served afterwards
Lowthian’s Lane, off English street, Carlisle, CA3 8JR. tel 07881-488566
Kirkcudbright Library Thurs 8 October, 7 – 8pm
Sherriff Court House, High Street, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4JW
Tel: 01557 331240
Ewart Library, Dumfries Friday 9 October, 14.00-15.00
Catherine Street, Dumfries, DG1 1JB. tel 01387-253820
Mary Smith (journalist, author of No More Mulberries, Drunk Chickens and Burnt Macaroni):
“I loved this book – engaging, funny, poignant – everything a good travel memoir should be. I laughed out loud, got hungry reading about the food and want to go to Thailand. My one disappointment was I reached the end too soon. I am so glad there are to be further books … It’s for real travellers rather than tourists. Excellent read.”
Gillian Fraser (former Border TV presenter, author, journalist):
“She brings Thailand to life with wry stories. She clearly loves Thailand with a passion but she’s not oblivious to its flaws and shortcomings. She has a great way of making characters very real, so the reader ends up caring about them almost as much as she does. Most of all, I enjoyed the unpredictability of this book. I’m looking forward to the sequel.”
and finally
“I was lucky enough to hear the author give a talk. She is as warm and witty in real life as she comes over in her book. I would love to be brave enough to do all the things she has done, and it gave me heart when she doesn’t just coast through things and lets us know the difficulties she faced. Highly recommend this book”. Anonymous amazon reviewer
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